Saturday, October 07, 2006

Dance, dance, dance

If any of you know me, I'm a dancin' machine!! All day long, 5 hours a day, I dance. A few weeks ago I did a competition, in ballroom dancing. The competition was so fun! The best part was that I got to meet the girl of high school musical. It was awsome! Oh and I might get to go on Dancing with the Stars! So if you haven't already been watching it, start watching! My next competition will be in Ogden, for a jazz competition. In about 3 weeks we will be going. I'm a little scared for my new peice that Im doing its......very interesting. hehe. Well, tell me your blog address so i can contact you guys! Keep me posted!


Shannon said...

Hi Witters! I didn't know that you met the girl on high School Musical! Here is mine

Jane said...

hey's fam is