Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Tori's Wedding

Hey everyone i just got back from my aunts wedding it was so pretty and im so happy for her! I was so mad though, when i didn't take any pictures of the actual wedding because my camera was dead! Ahhh! My luck.


Shannon said...

Super Cute Pictures wit!!
I loved Tasha's Backyard, that was so fun!
Love ya!

Ally said...

Hey im coming up Wit so dont come down! Love you!

Cassy said...

Wit you are so cute! I'm so bummed that we don't get to see you all as much as we used to, but it look like you are having a blast!

BenjaminLane said...

Hi Witney! Long time no see :P

Ally said...

LeTs SeE sOmE mOrE pOsTs!
LoVe YoU
aLlySuN tAyLoR